While we're at it, I need help re:HTML5 and displaying videos on blackberry

Please test this on your phones and you’ll see why:http://respondnigeria.net/mobile/index.cfm?pgid=1&poll_id=31&tab6=Status%20Meter&tab12=Videos#fourth

Code is in ColdFusion, but see here:


<cfif Find(“mp4”,"#GetPollVideos.video_filename_mobile#") OR Find(“m4v”,"#GetPollVideos.video_filename_mobile#") >

<cfif Find(“ogg”,"#GetPollVideos.video_filename_mobile#") OR Find(“ogv”,"#GetPollVideos.video_filename_mobile#")>


Download video: #GetPollVideos.video_name#


Please see file attachment for the code, in ColdFusion.

I may have found the answer to my own question: