scroll back (with a fade in-fade out menu at the top)

Hi people, please i need to create a fade-in/fade-out jQuery menu at the top of my page, such that when u scroll down to a particular part of the web, the menu will appear at the top (fade-in) for you to click and scroll to the other parts of the web and when u scroll back to d top, the menu will fade-out. see an example at:
try scroll down a bit, you will notice a new menu at the top that fade-in, if u click on any of the menu, it will scroll to d appropriate section. Need urgent response asap. Trust u all

You can always use this method to scroll ur menu when the page scroll over 100px from top.

< script type=“text/javascript” >
var thisScroll = $(document).scrollTop();
if(thisScroll > 100){
thisScroll = thisScroll - 130;
var offset = thisScroll +“px”;
< /script >

but you need write a CSS to handle the menu as well. This is what I did for a project. check and see how the right-side advert scroll on page scroll.

finally i got an answer, i trust my oga. although, am already thinking of smthing, will let u know once i get it