Opencart payment modules

i have developed payment modules that would integrate eyowo and cashenvoy payment modules to opencart e-commerce system. This modules are totally available for public use. visit * must warn you the site is still very much under construction :slight_smile:

I checked it out. That’s the problem with we Nigerians. We are too much into money making and forget to build and uplift our talents.

I checked your modules and realize they are not free. Well to tell you what, how much of a fame have you had, how many projects have you developed on your own, how have you been a problem solver in coding world and yet you start to sell things already.
Don’t you wonder why the whites go better than us and dont you wonder why facebook became a better market to others. Success in a programming world isn’t all about money making by selling stuffs already but by making self known. I guess you might not still understand what i meant. Am so new in this forum and am so glad to see PHP developers in Nigeria.

Watchout for my arrival and you learn what i’ve been saying :D. Dont get my wrong, am not the best but i believe am better :smiley:

Hahahahaha, @phpwalker u sound like a total joker,was going to respond and tackle some of the stuffs u said but on second thots i believe this post of yours is not worthy of my response.

Hi codegidi, nuttin do you o. I need to speak to you concerning the cashenvoy module for open cart. I am interested in buying, however, I need to confirm some things from you first. Please mail me at or call me on 08136615516. Its urgent. Thanks.

oops would mail u now, sorry haven’t been on this site in a while

@damsy, contact They would provide you with the cashenvoy module for opencart at no cost. All you have to do is ask.

Thanks oveek, i would get in touch

Hi, Can I get Eyowo and/or GTPay OpenCart module? Please contact me - dairo_charles[at]

@codegidi why sell it, i mean thats a very simple plugin… anyway guys i have one for free on my website vtbrands[dot]com

enjoy guys

GTPay module for Opencart, Magento and other platforms available on

Any module at all on opencart. Payment,Shipping, delivery and so on ? Contact

GTPay payment module
password: gtpay

all modules are free for downloads
go to

Hi Mates, Can anyone send me docx on the integration of Gtpay / WebPay to OC?