Barebone: A Barebone Responsive Framework

I don’t know how many developers here ride on the responsive website train but all the framework out there, or the ones i have come across, they are all pixels based. I created this framework out of the desire for a percentage based grid.

Barebone is a Beautiful Barebone Boilerplate for Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Development built on a fluid layout.

Kindly let me know what you think, comments or bugs.

nice, thanks @sprypixel you should also know that Dreamweaver CS6 comes with tools to help with responsive web design

Good to you guys post issues on reponsive website, i have been reading some articles on it, and I just want a short cut to how to make my website responsive, i’d check your link out, i already have it on my system, I hope you are explicit enough for us to understand. Thanks for sharing

I just checked it out, good! I have a quick question, I noticed you have created list of classes with different “width” so, every time i want to create section, i must choose form the list of grids i guess? I also checked your website “” its also responsive BUT with animation!!! when i reduce my screen size, its not only responding, its animating…would u please throw more light on these?

Thanks for checking out the grid framework. Yes, you will use combination of the different classes that correspond to the width you need.

For my website, i added few css3 transition/animation during each viewport breakpoint. The breakpoints were determine and executed with help me media queries.